Parental Involvement Policy

Parental Involvement Policy

A. Annual Meeting

All parents of participating students will be invited to an annual meeting at a convenient time to explain the program and activities provided through Title I, federal guidelines, and the role of parents in the education of their children. Parental input will also be solicited concerning the means by which the school and parents can form a partnership to achieve the program’s objectives.

B. Flexible Meeting Schedule

Meetings for parents shall be offered at a time that will afford parents the opportunity to attend, according to their home and work schedules. These meetings will be promoted through personal letters, telephone calls, news media, flyers, etc. Refreshments, door prizes, and attendance awards will be used as incentives. Efforts shall be made to inform all parents of participating children.

C. Periodic Meetings

All parents of participating children shall be organized to meet on a regular basis to work with the school in planning, review, and improvement of the parental involvement program and to give input in the development of the total school program plan.

D. Keeping Parents Informed

Parents will be notified that professional qualifications of classroom teachers may be requested at any time. This request and other information will be provided to parents in the following ways:

Notices sent home by students

Telephone calls

A list of events


Information presented on the marquee

E. Dissemination of Assessment Data

The school shall disseminate assessment data in some of the following ways:

Parent Conferences

Notices to parents sent home by students

Open House

F. Explanation of Curriculum Requirements

A meeting will be held each school year to acquaint parents with curriculum, classroom standards, homework policy, assessment, and proficiency levels that students are expected to achieve.

G. School-Parent Compact

A school-parent compact, which describes how parents, the school staff, and the students will share the responsibility for improved student achievement, will be distributed. The school and home will play vital roles in helping students to learn.



Parent Signature ________________________________________________

Date __________________