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Hello everyone!!! I am super excited to teach your child science and social studies this year!!!! This will be my 10th teaching at East Tate and I also attended ETE as a child.  I graduated from Independence in 1989, GO WILDCATS!!!

Once school starts and we get all your contact information in the computers, I will send you out a school status message with the number linked to me.  Please save this information and update your information if you should change numbers.  I do send lots of messages out to parents in group text and individual messages.  This is a great and fast way to communicate with you and you with me.  

Your child will keep a very detailed notebook for science that they will use to study for daily grades and test.  I do not send home study guides since this is a state tested area.  We consider your 5th grader as a middle school student and you will see more and more responsibility on them for their learning process.  I will tell you and my students that 5th is hard compared to their previous years and this is why I ask that we stay in contact with each other to support each other.  

I look forward to meeting everyone and getting to know you!!

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